Slitter rewinder for narrow rolls Center Duplex

Slitter rewinder narrow rolls
The slitter rewinder for narrow rolls Center Duplex with the sturdy frame and rewind with the innovative layout of a "central drum roll" allows to rewind wide range of materials in narrow bands from 10 mm up to 800 mm diameter.
This slitter rewinder is developed for manufacturers and converters with Customers in the aluminium industry such as the sectors of pharmaceutical, electronics and food markets and wherever there is a need to produce narrow bands with high diameters and high rewinding accuracy.

The slitter rewinder for narrow rolls Center Duplex with the sturdy frame and rewind with the innovative layout of a “central drum roll” allows to rewind wide range of materials in narrow bands from 10 mm up to 800 mm diameter.

This slitter rewinder is developed for manufacturers and converters with Customers in the aluminium industry such as the sectors of pharmaceutical, electronics and food markets and wherever there is a need to produce narrow bands with high diameters and high rewinding accuracy.

Technical features Details
Material width 1000-2100 mm
Mother roll ø up to 1200 mm
Finished roll width (min) > 10 mm
Maximum speed 700 m/min
Slit rolls ø up to 600-800 mm
Material tickness ≥10 μ
Neutral film Non woven
Narrow rolls
Metallized film

La nuova generazione di taglierine ribobinatrici Evolution 4.0 ottimizza tutti i processi produttivi delle precedenti taglierine e include nuove soluzioni tecniche con l’obiettivo di rendere l’intero ciclo produttivo il più automatizzato e fluido possibile.

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