Slitter rewinder for wide web Innova Cap

The slitter rewinder for wide web Innova Cap is designed for paper and neutral plastic films producers also very thick. This model features a unique ability to produce variable rolls band 300 mm minimum and 4000 mm maximum, high diameters up to Ø 1200 mm and high maximum speed 1000 m/min.

The slitter rewinder for wide web Innova Cap is designed for paper and neutral plastic films producers also very thick.

This model features a unique ability to produce variable rolls band 300 mm minimum and 4000 mm maximum, high diameters up to Ø 1200 mm and high maximum speed 1000 m/min.

Technical features Details
Material width up to 4000 mm
Mother roll ø up to 1500 mm
Finished roll width (min) > 400 mm
Maximum speed 1000 m/min
Slit rolls ø up to 1200 mm
Neutral film
Metallized film
Non woven

La nuova generazione di taglierine ribobinatrici Evolution 4.0 ottimizza tutti i processi produttivi delle precedenti taglierine e include nuove soluzioni tecniche con l’obiettivo di rendere l’intero ciclo produttivo il più automatizzato e fluido possibile.

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